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Korean souvenir treasure, seasoned laver

by 지금을 2024. 6. 14.

Many tourists visiting Korea look for special souvenirs on their way back. Among them, it is considered one of the best souvenirs that contain the taste and culture of Korea. In this article, we will learn about the charms, types, and purchasing tips of it.


1. the charm of seasoned seaweed


the traditional taste of Korea It contains the traditional taste of Korea. With a superb combination of the freshness of the sea, savory sesame oil, and salt, it is a side dish that Koreans can't miss from their meals. These traditional flavors are also very popular with foreigners.

a healthy snack

It is also famous for being a healthy snack. Seaweed is rich in vitamins and minerals, and it is good for dieting because it contains low calories. It is also loved by busy modern people because it is easy to eat.

a variety of applications

In addition to simply eating it with rice, it can also be used in a variety of dishes. It can be used in gimbap, kimchi rolls, salads, and more to capture both taste and nutrition. These various uses make it a more attractive souvenir.


2. Types of Seasoned Seaweed


roasted seaweed

Roasted laver is the most basic form of seasoned laver. Seasoned with savory sesame oil and salt, and baked to a crisp, roasted laver makes a great snack on its own. It is also good to eat with rice or accompany a variety of dishes. seasoned laver Seasoned laver is a

seasoned laver

that adds flavor by adding seasonings such as red pepper paste and soy sauce. It is also popular as a side dish for alcohol, characterized by its spicy and sweet taste. Various flavors of seasoned laver are also gaining huge popularity from foreign tourists.

Kim Ja-ban (Kim Ja-ban)

Kimjaban is a seasoned seaweed made by stir-frying sesame oil and salt in chopped seaweed. It is good to sprinkle on rice or to accompany various dishes. It is a useful souvenir even when traveling because it is easy to eat.


3. Tips for buying seasoned laver


quality check

When purchasing seasoned laver, make sure to check its quality. The black and glossy color of laver is good quality laver. Also, it is good to have a savory taste without being too salty.

Packaging status

Seasoning seaweed is resistant to moisture, so packaging conditions are important. It is recommended to choose a sealed package, and after opening, it is recommended to store it in a sealed container to avoid moisture.

a famous brand

There are various seasoned laver brands in Korea. Among them, choosing products from famous brands can guarantee quality and taste. For example, brands such as Kwangcheon Kim and Dongwon Kim boast a long tradition and trust.


 Seasoning seaweed, which contains traditional Korean flavors, is an attractive souvenir that can be used in a variety of dishes as a healthy and convenient snack. Taste the taste of Korea through various kinds of seasonings, such as roasted seaweed, seasoned seaweed, and kimjaban. Choose a good quality seasoning seaweed as a gift to your precious people, and it will make your trip to Korea even more special.


I hope you have a good understanding of seasoned laver as a Korean souvenir through this article. It will be the best gift loved by everyone for its taste, nutrition, and simplicity.
